Recitation 6: Processing Basics by Anna


This week we chosed a piece of art work as an inspiration to make new images with processing. Below is the image I picked, Blue Gold Totem designed by Victor Vasarely. I picked this on because I thought it practical to make a composition of basic shapes like this work of Vasarely, considering that I was not very familiar with the processing yet. 

Original piece designed by Vasarely

Source: Blue Gold Totem

Since it was my first try on making something with processing, I did not intend to do complex recreations but would like to simply imitate the original image. However, my attempt was not a very successful one. On the one hand, I found locating the position of shapes very troublesome; On the otherhand, I faced difficulty in finding the right colors. These two problems made the processing very time-consuming, and I was not able to finish in the time limit. 

My piece



I do not really think processing is the most suitable method for this design. Since the design is mostly repetition and composition of almost same shapes, it could have been much more convenient to create same shapes with different colors that are free to move. Before starting processing, I did not make a wise choice on image and design choosing because I knew little about the advantages and limitation of drawing with processing. But after this failed try, I think I have grown a little more familiar with it. 

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