Final Project Feedback – Recitation 9, Lana Henrich

Final Project Feedback

Other Projects

Project 1

Kyle’s project idea is creating an interactive art piece, in which waves and flowers are projected onto a wall (with the lights off), and the images being projected move based on the person moving in front of sensors. The main feedback I gave Kyle was to make sure the project is interactive enough, meaning that the user’s movements will trigger interesting, noteworthy, and unique responses within the projection. I think this concept is really interesting because he said he would incorporate music into the installation as well, meaning it is a project that response with both audio and visual feedback, making it a completely interactive art piece.

Project 2

Santi’s idea for his final project is creating a globe with holes in it, where every time you throw a bottle cap into one of the holes, the globe turns by a few degrees. The goal is to get the globe to turn a full 360 degrees. I like this idea because it has an environmentally-conscious purpose in mind, and I think it is cool to create a project like this which can incentivize recycling and make it something fun, rather than tedious. The comments which we gave Santi were to make the globe turn more than a few degrees each time a bottle cap is throw into a hole, so that it doesn’t take 30 bottle caps to get the globe to fully turn, and so that the rotation of the globe is visible enough to give an experience to the user each time they use it.

Project 3

For his project, he wanted to create a musical instrument which someone blows into so that pressure sensors are triggered and sounds come out of a speaker. Hand movement and strength with which air is blown into the instrument are supposed to adjust the volume and pitch of the sound is produced. The main piece of advice I gave for this project is to make sure that the sounds which can be produced are pleasant to hear, as someone with no musical experience would usually have trouble creating nice sounds using such a device. This can be done by limit the sounds which can be create to a certain range, so that extremely loud or pitchy sounds cannot be produced.

My Project

Feedback Given by my Group

The feedback I received was: to replace the button board with cards and a sensor, to add an on-screen (or off-screen) timer to make players feel more pressure and excitement to guess faster, and to add a countdown to the beginning of the game. According to my group members, the most successful part of my proposals is that the game is multi-player and can be played by anyone, making it fun for a lot of people. They said the least successful part of my project was the buttons and how simple the guessing is, suggesting that maybe instead of buttons I should think of something more complicated that makes the game a bit more challenging. Furthermore, they suggested I perhaps try to simplify how I will code the project, as they said it may be a bit complicated to code all the different categories, rounds of categories, and buttons. I agree that a major advantage of my project is the multi-player interaction, and agree that the coding may end up being very tricky to figure out. While I am open to switching out the button board for something else and possibly making the game a bit more complicated, I think it will be important for my partner and I to just start the wiring and coding process and see what we are able to accomplish and what we might need to edit. We will keep these suggestions in mind as we go forward, however. I will definitely discuss with my partner what we can do to make the project more challenging so that it is not too easy to play, which could include adding more difficult categories than just “animals” and “celebrities”. Perhaps we could also make each round more difficult, meaning round 1 is the easiest and round 3 will be the hardest, keeping the game challenging and interesting to play.

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