Recitation 7: Processing Animation

At the beginning of this recitation, I was nervous because I have a hard time with coding and coordinates. I am more comfortable with Arduino because it is more physical. In this recitation, I learned more about design technique than I did about Processing Animation. Continuing the design from the last recitation, I wanted to finish up at least three boxes of the four. The top two boxes were created with the rect() function. For my third red box, I learned to use the triangle function. It was harder than I expected because I was not used to the coordinates. My original intention was for the user to change the colors of the lines by tapping a key. At this point, I still had one unfinished box to create, and the idea came that I should create a tool for the user to design it themselves with the mousePressed() function. I added this function under void draw().

Due to time constraints, I was not able to complete the additional recitation work.

Original Photo

Processing Animation


void setup()


 size (600, 600);


 strokeWeight(10);  // Thicker

 line(20, 40, 580, 40);

 strokeWeight(10);  // Thicker

 line(20, 40, 20, 580);

 strokeWeight(10);  // Thicker

 line(20, 580, 580, 580);

 strokeWeight(10);  // Thicker

 line(580, 40, 580, 580);

 //inner lines

 strokeWeight(10);  // horizontal

 line(20, 300, 580, 300);

 strokeWeight(10);  // vertical

 line(300, 40, 300, 580 );

 //box 1

 strokeWeight(10);  // horizontal

 line(75, 40, 75, 300);

 line(130, 40, 130, 300);

 line(185, 40, 185, 300);

 line(240, 40, 240, 300);

 //box 2

 strokeWeight(10);  // horizontal

 fill(255, 255, 0);

 rect (300, 40, 280, 40);

 //rect (300, 80, 280, 30);

 //line(300, 80, 580, 80);

 fill(255, 255, 0);

 rect(300, 110, 280, 30); // rect (x,y, width,height);

 //line(300, 110, 580, 110);

 //line(300, 140, 580, 140);

 fill (255, 255, 0);

 rect(300, 170, 280, 30);

 //line(300, 170, 580, 170);

 //line(300, 200, 580, 200);

 fill (255, 255, 0);

 rect(300, 230, 280, 30);

 line(300, 230, 580, 230);

 line(300, 260, 580, 260);


 //triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)

 fill(255, 0, 0);

 triangle (20, 300, 20, 575, 305, 300);


 triangle (20, 300, 20, 520, 240, 300);

 fill(255, 0, 0);

 triangle (20, 300, 20, 465, 185, 300);


 triangle (20, 300, 20, 410, 130, 300);

 fill(255, 0, 0);

 triangle (20, 300, 20, 355, 75, 300);



 triangle (75, 575, 300, 355, 300, 575);



 triangle (140, 575, 300, 400, 300, 575);


 fill(255, 0, 0);

 triangle (205, 575, 300, 470, 300, 575);


void draw()



 if (mousePressed)


   stroke(0, 0, 255);

 } else




 line(mouseX-1, mouseY, mouseX+1, mouseY);

 //line(mouseX, mouseY-10, mouseX, mouseY+10);


void wizardCoding(){

println(mouseX, mouseY);


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