Final Project Essay

Vroom! Too- Much- Screen- Time!  

Project Statement of Purpose

The modern world is becoming more and more addicted to social media. In 2018 alone, American adults spend up to 11 hours per day “interacting” with media. Our project aims to find an entertaining way to reduce people’s screen time on their computers with an interactive toy car. When the user hits a certain screen time, their computer screen will begin flashing with a timed Gif of 2 minutes. The car will sense this and run around the table. The user’s job is to stop using their computer and chase the dog around the table until the Gif is finished running. My inspiration came from the Clocky the alarm clock that runs away for you to wake up. Since the alarm clock forces the user to physically interact with the alarm clock, I wanted to create a car that would roll around the table for the user to chase while waiting for the Gif to finish running. Clocky the Alarm clock has a sturdy center with wheels on the side. I plan on designing something similar but would look more like a car. The goal of this project is for the user to take breaks during their screen time and receive light exercise from chasing the car around.

Project Plan

Our project aims to reduce the user’s screen time. Every hour, an interactive Gif would pop up for a few minutes. It is impossible to close this gif from the computer screen. At the same time, a small car would start rolling around the table, the goal of the user would be to chase the car around to make sure it does not fall off the table. By the end of the set time, the Gif would expire and the car would stop running. This way the user would be able to return to their work after a small break. I plan on 3D printing the car and attaching the Arduino within the car, this way, it is invisible to the eye. There would be servos attached to the car to make the wheels start turning. I plan on adding flashing LED lights to the front of the car, where the headlights belong and a speaker that would project constant noise while it is running. We plan on animating Gifs through processing, but I am unsure of the exact details of how to incorporate a timed Gif function. We will design the car so that it would look like a decorative desk toy. The animated Gif should be funny and entertaining. I understand that the user may be frustrated if we interrupted them in the middle of something important, so I will try to make it as funny as possible. My partner and I plan on reaching a milestone every week. She will be focusing on the code for processing and the animation of the Gif, and I will be focusing on the toy car’s design and code. By next week, I would like to have most if not all of the code for the Arduino complete. The week after that I would like to have the car equipped with all its functions and be able to move. After this is complete, we would like to be able to link the two together and complete this project a few days before its deadline to make any more modifications to the final design.

Context and Significance

I was inspired by Clocky the alarm clock because I thought the idea was such a good example of an interaction between a machine and a person. I wanted to incorporate this into other aspects in a person’s daily life other than helping them wake up. More importantly, I wanted to tackle a problem that has been plaguing our society for years to come. The project will help raise awareness of the severity of screen usage and hopefully can promote users to take this issue more seriously. To prepare for this project,  I have researched several car projects on the Arduino website to find a suitable design. I have found several designs that I will manipulate to create one that is suitable for this project. The most realistic design is the Obstacle Avoiding Car. This would be useful since the car would be running around the desk, it should be careful enough not to destroy any valuables. This project aligns with my definition of interaction because I believe that interaction is the series of movements by at least two actors, both responding to one another. This machine will force the user to interact with it for a greater purpose. This project is unique, however, it originates from Clocky the alarm clock. The problem that Clocky aimed to resolve is human laziness and inability to wake up. Though it is a serious issue, Clock is entertaining and empathizes with the user. Our car aims to contribute to human dependence on technology and incorporates a fun way for them to spend time away from their screens. Our product is intended for students and office workers who have an open space to work with. It is of special value to the targeted audience because their working environment is stressful and it is easy to spend hours on end attached to the computer screen. If successful, I doubt that this project will become something that people will buy, but it could be given as a free gift to people who attend hackathon events or important gatherings. Subsequent projects may include other interactive projects that tackle other issues in society today with an entertaining value.

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