Recitation 11: Workshop on Media Manipulation by Kyle Brueggemann

For this recitation, I decided to join the workshop on media manipulation as my project involves a lot of visuals that my partner and I plan to manipulate with various inputs. A lot of the instruction provided was an extremely useful refresher on how to incorporate audio, visuals, and movies in my Processing code. 

For my media manipulation exercise, I decided to loop a video of an animated cherry blossom. I first did this by importing the processing video and then playing it in the setup function. I wanted to manipulate the video by adding a tint so I first created a time stamp. With the time stamp, I decided to add and if, else function for if the timestamp was greater than a certain value, the tint would be a certain color and if it was below that certain value, the tint would be another color. With this code, I created a dark tint, that turned into a light tint once the cherry blossoms bloomed.

I also wanted to add a little distortion to the video so with the values that determine the positioning of the video, I randomized them and applied them to the integer “x”.

Finally, I added an overlay of very chill harp music to bring the vibe of the video together. Overall this project was a very solid exercise to reaffirm my knowledge of media manipulation and embedding both video and audio into Processing simultaneously. I’m excited to take this knowledge into the creation of my final project, which definitely includes the intersection of visuals and audio.



Movie myMovie;
import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile myMusic;

int x;

void setup() {
size(780, 420);
myMovie = new Movie(this, “blossom.mp4”);
myMusic = new SoundFile(this, “wave.wav”);
void draw() {
if (myMovie.available()) {;
float timestamp = myMovie.time();


else {
x = int (random(0,10));
image(myMovie, x, x);

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