Recitation 9: Final Project Process by Kyle Brueggemann

Step 1

Guess the Picture

This two-player game idea by Lana involves multiple rounds of gaming where there is a blurred image displayed on the screen. Each player will have 3 different buttons, each with a different answer choice, that they can press in order to guess what the picture is showing. The coding will allow new categories and images to appear to always keep the game interesting and ensure a unique gameplay experience for people of all ages.

I believe this game involves a healthy amount of interaction between the two players, as they are encouraged to compete against each other and gain the best score between them both. My suggestion for this project to ensure there is enough interaction between human and machine is to make sure that there is adequate response coming from the computer showing the different players scores and what they have gotten wrong/right. This will allow the players to respond and put in more effort based on the values of their scores. I also believe this project could benefit if it had a deeper meaning for its users.

Bottlecap Recycling Game

This game designed by Santi is about recycling plastic bottle lids as well as promoting the importance of recycling in the sustenance of our earth. A 3d model of the earth with various sized holes will rotate along the axis of a motor. The players will attempt to throw plastic bottle caps through the holes in the earth as it rotates. The players will then gain a certain amount of points based on the hole that they threw the bottle cap through, and for every point gained, a visual model of the earth will rotate such degrees. Once the earth has rotated a full 360 degrees, then the players would have won the game.

One of our suggestions was to make a marking on the rotating globe as well as a scoreboard so the players can gauge how many points they have scored as well as how far they need to continue. Another suggestion is to make the game timed so there is a sense of challenge and urgency for the players. A final suggestion is to make sure the point values given for each bottlecap thrown are high enough so that the players aren’t throwing hundreds of bottlecaps before reaching the desired score. Overall, this game shows a very good level of interactivity as it evokes serious topics through engaging games.

Simple instrument

This interactive musical instrument by Daniel is an easy-to-learn electronic musical device that changes volume and pitch based on the interaction with different sensors. The volume of the air blown will trigger a pressure sensor whose values will control the volume of the instrument. One’s hand movement will control motion sensors that can control the pitch of the instrument. This design of an interactive instrument will allow anyone who has had an interest in music but has never had the opportunity to express their interest to take advantage of the easy interface and create music. This will allow interaction with this instrument to create the sound that the user wants. And with greater skill level, they can use it to express the exact musical melody they desire to. The interaction is prevalent as the user will play with the instrument, and the instrument will then output a sound, and then based on that sound the user will play with the instrument some more. This involved interaction between human and machine but also human and human as the user can create music for others to enjoy.

A unanimous piece of advice given for this project is to make sure that there is a consistency in the tone of the musical device. It is important that there are caps put on the ranges so extremely loud and high pitches, as well as volumes, are excluded from expression. This is beneficial not only to boost the overall appeal of the instrument but to also give leeway for those who are just learning to use a musical instrument for the first time.

Step 2

Spacetime Symphony

A piece of valuable advice given by my peers is to make sure that there is a consistent theme with the visual and audio components. I totally agree with this as I believe a consistent theme will glue the entire project together and allow for the users to best experience the interaction between music and art.

Another piece of advice given is to make sure that the interactions done by the user are noteworthy enough that they will trigger readable responses in the media elements. This is extremely important because, in order for a user to fully interact with something, they must be aware of the effects of their participation in order to be encouraged to fully immerse themselves in the project.

The final suggestion for my project is to find a way to conduct the project in a closed room. I will definitely do this if there are the means possible to treat it like such installation.

All of this feedback is greatly appreciated and I will definitely take them into consideration so this project is as interactive as possible

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