For this recitation, we implemented the media controllers we learned in the week’s lecture and applied Arduino hardware functions to them. I decided to manipulate an image, because the image was the easiest on my computer, as past attempts to incorporate video with Processing have led to my computer crashing. I chose to pixel fade and image using the potentiometer.
The image I chose is
I had a little trouble making the potentiometer work because I had a problem with misunderstanding between Processing and Arduino values — once I got the correct example code of connecting Arduino to Processing instead of the other way around, making the penguin itself fade was simple enough — the video is attached below.
The reading “Computer Vision for Artist and Designers” looks at how algorithms can help computers make “intelligent assertions” about digital images and video. While the project I did in recitation reflects a very very basic understanding of this, the translation of the potentiometer values to the processing code allowed me to understand how the computer can intelligently think for itself using the language inputted by the potentiometer. Going forward I hope to manipulate the image so that it can change into different images once it fades out, since that relates a lot to my final project.