Recitation 3: Sensors

Recitation 3

Partner: Guangbo Niu

Instructor: Professor Marcela


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In today’s recitation, my partner and I decided to try the infrared distance sensor. I had some knowledge about this sort of sensor, but it still was not an easy task to complete. First, we started by unboxing the Arduino kit and connecting the infrared distance sensor to the Arduino Uno by jumper cables. Then, we found the code necessary to make the sensor work and tried to run the system. However, my partner and I carelessly forgot to change the analog output on the code (from A9 to our A1). After we addressed the analog issue, we tested the sensor through the serial monitor, and a series of changing number (distance) proved we had the first part complete. We moved onto trying to connect a LED light from the Arduino Uno to the breadboard to make a blinking LED. With the help of Eszter, we realized we needed an extra series of code called map functions. Guangbo and I found the code and tested it on our Arduino Uno and again we were successful. However, it did not last long, and we started collecting inconsistent data. We consulted a professor and realized we should attach a resistor to ensure the circuit works consistently. Upon connecting the resistor, we faced no more problems.


Question 1:

I intended to assemble a blinking LED, infrared distance sensor test. Our combination is already widely used around the world. The most apparent example is every car’s reverse sensors. Although most cars nowadays either use a sound system along with a camera screen, some cars still use LED lights to indicate the distance between the sensor and the wall.

Question 2:

I believe the code can be compared to a recipe because as long as we follow the steps, we will be guaranteed with a result. However at the same time, following a standard method will only yield a universal effect. If we substitute a step, ingredient for another, we could be getting a result that is similar but not identical. I believe coding is often compared to following a recipe because, despite its rigidness, everyone can still include their creativity to see what happens.

Question 3:

I believe in this new media age, human beings no longer controls computers in some instances. Old media always involved a human creator who assembled all data however nowadays data are assembled by variability and characteristics. Human beings no longer have to do any work and can rely on computers to assemble suitable data. Therefore I believe this directly influences human being’s laziness. We begin to become dependent on technology and become less aware of our inabilities.

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