final project essay —Katie


Reconsider Human-Nature Relationship


This project aims at addressing the question of “human-nature” relationship. The insights we’ve found are first an art work in our school’s gallery called the 72-relations with a goldenrod. And another internet interactive art project called “way to go”. These two works narrow our idea and make it tangible. Our project provides experience for users to explore different ways that one can interact with nature and then reflect back on our own behavior in daily life.


Our project is a screen-based VR experience. Users interact with multiple sensors physically and it results in different visuals on the screen. We will gather our shooting footage by Nov.23 and edit it by Nov.24. On Nov.25-27, we will start to figure out the code in Arduino and processing with the help of professors and fellows as well as online tutorials. We need to know first, what kinds of sensors we need in terms of “relation between nature”. Second, how to add animations onto a pre-shot video. Third, how to switch between different scene we’ve shot. On Nov.28-30, the thanksgiving holiday, as we already have a basic structure in our code, we will try to modify it on our own. By Dec. 2, we will manage to run through the whole project, make the Arduino and processing communicating with each other. For the rest of the week, we need to design for which part we want to use fabrication tools to help us as well as user testing and further improvements.


In our preparatory research and analysis, we define interaction as a kind of conversation where two or more actors are involved. They listen (receive the information), think (process the information) and speak (give out the processed information). In the projects we’ve looked at, two things inspired us. First is the how to trigger user’s motivation to interact. We found out that users are more possible to interact when they see themselves in the screen (for example, using mirrors). So, we decided in the transition of different scene, the users can see themselves by involving web cam in our project. The second thing is that when there’s more people interacting together, it gets more fun. So, with different sensors, our project lets multiple users to explore together. after successful completion, our project leads the users to think about their relations with nature and to reflect on their everyday behavior. The idea of this project is inspired by our humanities course which the topic is “the question of the Anthropocene”. We begin to think about how we can better coexist with nature, to keep the harmony between human and the environment. I guess this is the biggest significance of our project. This project aims at users of all ages, because the question of human and nature is a question that involves all of us.

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