Recitation 7: Processing Animation by Jennifer Cheung

In this recitation, I decided to work with my existing animation from the last recitation. I decided to turn it into an interactive animation by having the bottom white circle rotate around the smaller white circle. I modified the code by organizing all of the elements into functions, then adding the rotate() function on the white circle and the attached lines. The direction of rotation can be changed by either pressing the right or left keys on the keyboard. I wanted it to be a smooth change in directions, but the use of positive and negative radians made it so that the position of the circle changed every time a key was pressed.

Additional homework:

I learned a lot by getting to do these animations on my own. It was initially difficult to get started, but I soon got the hang of using ints and equations to achieve different animations. The functions I used in these two animations included rotate, transform, if statements, keyPressed, pullMatrix, and popMatrix. In the end, I learned that the simplest animations may be particularly difficult to achieve and take lots of practice to become more familiar with them. 

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