Recitation 10: Media Controller by Jennifer Cheung

In this recitation, I controlled the size and number of a photo in Processing with a potentiometer in Arduino.

I used this photo that I had previously drawn as the media to control. I wanted to do something similar to the pixelation exercise in the previous class to change the size of the photo with the different potentiometer values. With a smaller sized photo, more photos would fill the screen. With Young’s help, I was able to make this happen. I then decided to add a tint onto the photo that would grow in intensity as the picture got smaller and more numerous. For the last touch, I made the color tint vary depending on the position of the mouse on the canvas.

Technology was used in this project because the picture was displayed on a screen and controlled by a Arduino circuit, both of which fall under technology. As described in Computer Vision for Artist and Designers, art in recent years has more easily been made on computing systems, which allow us to have interactive experiences. Processing is a great tool in combining technology and art to create these interactive projects, in which pixels can be modified live with the use of webcams and Arduinos. Technology gives way for artists to be incredibly flexible in what they make and how they make their art. Technology is a new art medium that bridges art and function together.

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