Image of the completed etch-a-sketch with drawing
Physical setup
Tinkercad schematic
import processing.serial.*; String myString = null; Serial myPort; int NUM_OF_VALUES = 2; /** YOU MUST CHANGE THIS ACCORDING TO YOUR PROJECT **/ int[] sensorValues; /** this array stores values from Arduino **/ float preX; float preY; void setup() { size(500, 500); background(200); setupSerial(); } void draw() { //map(sensorValues,0,1023,0,255); updateSerial(); printArray(sensorValues); // ellipse(sensorValues[0], sensorValues[1], 25, 25); //float posX = sensorValues[0]; // float posY = sensorValues[1]; float posX = map(sensorValues[0],0,1023,0,width); float posY = map(sensorValues[1],0,1023,0,height); fill(0); line(preX,preY, posX, posY); preX = posX; preY = posY; // use the values like this! // sensorValues[0] // add your code // } void setupSerial() { printArray(Serial.list()); myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[ 9 ], 9600); // WARNING! // You will definitely get an error here. // Change the PORT_INDEX to 0 and try running it again. // And then, check the list of the ports, // find the port "/dev/cu.usbmodem----" or "/dev/tty.usbmodem----" // and replace PORT_INDEX above with the index number of the port. myPort.clear(); // Throw out the first reading, // in case we started reading in the middle of a string from the sender. myString = myPort.readStringUntil( 10 ); // 10 = '\n' Linefeed in ASCII myString = null; sensorValues = new int[NUM_OF_VALUES]; } void updateSerial() { while (myPort.available() > 0) { myString = myPort.readStringUntil( 10 ); // 10 = '\n' Linefeed in ASCII if (myString != null) { String[] serialInArray = split(trim(myString), ","); if (serialInArray.length == NUM_OF_VALUES) { for (int i=0; i<serialInArray.length; i++) { sensorValues[i] = int(serialInArray[i]); } } } } }
void setup() {
void loop() {
int sensor1 = analogRead(A0);
int sensor2 = analogRead(A1);
// keep this format
Serial.print(“,”); // put comma between sensor values
Serial.println(); // add linefeed after sending the last sensor value
// too fast communication might cause some latency in Processing
// this delay resolves the issue.