Recitation 5: Processing Basics by Jackson Pruitt


For the recitation exercise, I chose these images by Sol Lewitt as inspiration for my processing drawing. I felt that the first image, specifically the one on the far left, was simple enough in structure/shape while still having an intriguing composition. Once I began trying to draw a similar image in Processing, I ran into a few problems. At first, I made individual vertical rectangles that were evenly spread out with a transparent circle in the middle. I realized that it would be difficult making the horizontal rectangles fit exactly within the circle as it would require me to know the exact coordinates of the circle’s arches. I then went back and looked for further inspiration from the same artist where I found the second image. I enjoyed this almost random display of color and I thought it would be a good exercise to practice using the color wheel. In order to make the image a little more interesting, I then made every other rectangle transparent to create a sort of weaving effect around the circle. I thought that using Processing was a perfect tool for creating an image like this as I was able to create the exact shapes I wanted to replicate while also picking almost identical colors to that of Sol Lewitt’s.

Final ImageCode used to create the image

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