Battleship? – Robert (Haochen Xiong) – Young


The best way to understand how the users will interact with your project is to imagine yourself as a user too. When I was thinking my design that can make the users better interact with my game, I regard myself as a game player want to try this battleship game. The reason I do this is that I have already played a lot of games before. In other words, though it might not be that strong, I still have the ability to distinguish whether a game is interesting or not. After user testing, I chose to improve the user experience of my game. The first thing I did was to change the feel of my joysticks because it was uncomfortable to directly use them. Cut a small box to put? But then it will be hard to control because the handle of the joystick is short. So I need to 3D print a long handle and that will take me a lot of time. After discussing with Ellie, I came up with the idea that I can print a huge box with two small but long boxes on each side, then I can put two joysticks in the smaller boxes and other things like Arduino kit in that big box. This will provide enough height for the players to hold the small box and use the joystick. 

The mixed box I made and I put some decoration on it

Besides the box, I also made a speed-up button to the users to step on. When I was playing my game with friends, I found that it was always hard to both speed up the battleship and turn its direction so I decided to separate them. Then I borrowed two buttons from EC and think about how to fix then to stand on the ground. Finally, in order to turn them back, I chose foam to reinforce them because it will be easier to take them off. Also, I put an arrow emoji on it to show that it is for speeding up. 

The first version, though little ugly, but well function


I do think giving up my original plan is the most failure but also the most success. My original plan is to give a new possibility for the old battleship game. However,  I found it impossible to fulfill my goal so I directly change my goal. It was a little pity to give it up but it also gave me the chance to make the new one.

Comfort myself: at least I tried

In the user text, besides the speed up problem, the most suggestion I received was for the chess board. It was not finished so the users can not get a full understand of it even I had already explained to them. There is a big gap between the chess game and the shooting game and the gap made the users confused. The most doubt I got is: is there a need to make this chess board. Even I suspect myself in the end that maybe I can cut the chess board part. However, Young gave me the key advice that firms my thought of making the chess board. He advised me that I can only show a specific moment for the users to know the chess board and then directly going into the fun shooting game. So I improve my chess board to make it more understandable.

The new chess board page
Now the players can just press the button on player 1’s battleship and directly join the fun shooting game


The goal of my project includes three part: interactivity, playability and something new. First, it needs to satisfy the definition of interaction which is a responsive process that includes two or more subjects to get clear input, digest and produce clear output which will have effects on each other. My project does align my definition of interaction. Two players join my game, get a clear image on the screen, digest for their strategy, and decide how to destroy the enemy battleship whose result will lead them to new thoughts and emotions. Second, I want to make a fun game that people want to play and I think I made it. In the IMA show, I saw people playing it both enjoyable and seriously because this game is also somehow competitive. However, most friends will hug each other after playing the game and this makes me feel relieved. Also, another thing makes me happy is that kids love to play my game.

Though they are a little “violent” that broke my equipment, I feel happy that they like it

Third, I do think I build something new. Though I did not finish the chess board part,  it still provides a new possibility for the traditional chess game. In my view, the addition of a shooting game does give more fun to it. Also, the addition of physical controls like the joysticks makes it more user-friendly. It is not a mixed monster, but a new product by a combination. 

If I have more time, I will definitely complete the chess board part and also improve the shooting part. I will design my own battleship chess like its rules. For the shooting part, I will add more blocks that if the battleship hits, it will lose health. What I take away from this project is that it is worthy to persist in your goal but sometimes you need to reverse it too. I changed my original plan but in the second time, I persevered in my chess board plan. I remember my struggle in displacing a chess game in processing but it was worth to try. Though I am not completely successful, my trying process improves my understanding and using of the processing a lot. Also, going back to my conception, in the future, I will continue to put myself in the user’s shoes to better improve my project. The future looks good and I will try my best to make more great games. 

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