Recitation9: Final Project Process by Haoquan (Kenneth) Wang

Our project:

Tom’s project: meditation project

Tom’s project is to make a meditation thing which allows users to wave their hands. Their movement will be detected by the camera on the laptop. For his project, I suggest him to have the interaction part more clear. Especially I think that he should design some interaction by using Arduino. The concept of this project is pretty interesting because what I know about meditation are Yoga and Buddist. It is interesting to do meditation on computer.

Robert’s project: battleship game project

Robert’s project is to make a combination of physical battleship game and a digital battleship game. He wants to use 3D Printer to make a controller or joystic to control the ship attack on screen. My suggestion for Robert is that he needs to reduce the number of ships. Also at first, he wants to have ships in physical. But I think that is hard to achieve. So I recommend him to do this part in the processing. Actually, I never hear battleship game before. So I don’t know what it looks like.

Sheldon’s project: Save marine life

Sheldon’s project is a 2 players game. 1p needs to collect the rubbish in the ocean, 2p needs to dodge the rubbish when they are being collected. Sheldon wants to use this project to appeal to people to protect our environment and marine life. My suggestion for Sheldon is that this game is not necessarily to be a two players game. The concepts that using a game to appeal the protection of marine life is unique and very practical because it is easier to make people accept the appeal by letting them play a game than just talking to them.

What I find out about the similarity of how we define interaction is that game is one of the best interactive forms. All projects in our group are in gaming form. We all think that the gaming process is highly engaged, intense, and interactive. That is similar to my definition of interaction.

Feedback from peers

I got several feedbacks from my groupmates. Firstly, I can use Processing GUI to design users interfaces. Because my project is an escape room game, the users need to move back and forth to explore and discover clues. So my project needs to be highly clickable. The second is that I need to have more research to prove that playing an escaping room game can be a great help to the depressed. Thirdly, I need to make my project as simple as possible. I cannot make users think. For the first two suggestions, I don’t want to adopt because firstly, I am not familiar with Processing GUI, which means that it will take me a lot of time to learn and test. I don’t have time to learn; for another feedback, I don’t need more research because I am not doing a practical project, which will be used to solve a problem. Instead, I am doing an art project, which aims to raise awareness of the problem but not a solution. For the third feedback, I think it is quite good because I also realize the necessity of simplicity of my project. If it is too difficult to get out of the room for users, it will not be a good interaction project because users won’t want to use or play this project.

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