Recitation 3: Sensors by Lily Deng


After the previous recitation on Arduino basics, we are moving on to sensors. The key is to let the moisture sensor engage with water so that the value of moisture will appear on the serial monitor. It was easily done. 


Question 1: Our moisture sensor could be used to detect the moisture level in the air. It could be used for every human, old and young, for better health conditions. It can be widely distributed in the form of a billboard on the streets and display the moisture level to passers-by.

Question 2: I think code is often compared to following a recipe or tutorial because they function in the same way. In coding, the letters and punctuations make no sense individually. After running the whole program, all codes would make sense. In cooking, the ingredients and seasonings are dull if observed separately. But after mixing them and the results come out, it would make a great dish.

Question 3: I believe computers influence human behavior in the following ways. First, it broadens the human mind by providing tons of information. Online storage, unlike real-life storage, doesn’t require actual space so it can be huge. Second, it makes our lives more efficient. The internet is very fast and the processing of computers is automatic. Finally, it has disadvantages that it damages our health and makes it harder for us to concentrate.

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