Recitation 9: Final Project Process by Guangbo Niu

Step 1

“Space Time Symphony”

This project by Robin integrates audio and visual experience. It will display different abstract visual effects and sound effects according to the user’s movement or other inputs. This project looks like one of the project I researched before which gives the user all-round visual and audio experience. We suggested that she should use proper sensors to detect the user’s input. I think this project is interesting although it does not show much significance in terms of human. It looks cool, but I don’t know why people care about it.

“Do you know you have magic?”

I really like this project. It allows the user to direct a robot to move on the sand in order to draw some shape. I personally suggested that she could use leap motion sensor to detect the user’s input. We together suggested that she could allow the user to draw both using the robot and on processing, where the robot drawing cleans itself every minute and processing drawing stays forever, in order to create some sense of Zen. I think this project allows user to interact with the sand in a very indirect way using robot as a media, which make this interaction more fun.

“Driving into imagination”

This project is basically a driving game, which allows user to use a steering wheel and provide visual experience through processing. We suggested that building a real car-like device could be hard, and the tilt sensor could be a lot help for them. However, I didn’t quite get what she tries to make of its, I mean, I don’t understand what kind of users it is intended for and what utility will it bring, because there are a lot of driving arcade machines out on the market. 

Step 2

One of the most useful advice I got is that Robin explained to me how exactly leap motion worked. Also, I got some suggestions that we could use user’s head as input since head movement is one of the most friendly way for people with disabilities to use. They also suggested that we could offer different brush types to the user, but this could be difficult for us. Finally, they all thought that this project is a little simple and boring, so maybe I should elaborate on my project to add some more features and functions.

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