Recitation 7: Processing Animation by Guangbo Niu

Code, part 1
Code, part 1
Code, part 2
Code, part 2

This is a randomly moving circle, using codes taught in the previous class. Once you press any key on the keyboard, the circle will stop. This animation involves only basic movement and interaction.

Initially, I wanted to use my previous work which contains many more circles and make them all move randomly and bounce against each other. I also wanted it to be that wherever my mouse is, the circles would try to avoid the mouse. However, when I started to code, I found it extremely difficult to realize what I imagined because I hadn’t learned enough knowledge about random movement and collision. Therefore, I lowered my expectation and started with only one circle and simpler interaction. I recalled what’s taught in the last class about a single circle bouncing and the keyPressed function, and then built them into my animation.

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