Recitation 2 – Kris Chen

In this recitation we made some simple circuits using Arduino Kit.

Fading Light

Tone Melody

Speed Game

Circuit graph for the speed game

The core technology of first circuit is a analog signal output, which can fade the light. Using analog signal to control lights is widely seen in our life, such as the lights on police car and ambulance. There are more advanced application of it. For example, TV signals, in the past are also transmitted using analog signals. The Second circuit is mainly using digital output to control speaker to make certain tones. This technology is also widely used in midi formatted media files. However in another reading in last week we read about musical instruments based on circuits, yet they uses analog input and output. I think only using digital output is not enough for expressing the subtle emotions in the music. The third circuits uses many technologies and ideas from the physical computing reading, such as the idea of interaction, serial input and output. I think there is also parallel computing in this circuit, as the chip will function when two people press the buttons simultaneously.
The reason for using 4k resistor is that: if no resistor in that loop the current will be too high and might destroy the Arduino, burn the wires etc. A 4k resistor with 5V power means I = U /R = 1.25 * 10^-3 A current, which is definitely safe.
If I have 100000 LEDs, I would make a 3D screen, like :

This is a low resolution one. 100000 LED would achieve better solution. With this 3D display device, we can also deploy sensors and AI software to make interaction function between users and the device, for example, one can use their hands to manipulate the 3D image in the devices when they touch the LEDs.

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