Kinetic Light: LED light assignments–Eric(Candy Bi)

RGB LED Strip:

To make a composition with a start and an ending, I decided to match the music with RGB LED Strip. I chose a section of a piece of  piano music I like and decided to hard code the light to match it so that the effect could be stable.

I chose to start with blue and green as how the music sounds to me. The note between each sentance is symbolized by a white light. The middle part is made red.  The speed of light changing is also matched with the pace of the music, for example, light fades in while music is slow and blinks while music is faster.

 Digital RGB LED Strip:

Team member: skye

After soldering, we tried out some examples using digital RGB LED Strip. We successfully connected three strips to the fade candy. This experience is even more interesting than with RGB strip for it provides more possibilities of composition.

Team member: Louis and Skye

For this homework, we decided to tell the story of “Surrounded on all Sides” in Chinese history through light and audio. We wanted to have the four stages of “Ambush”,”Initial Battle”,”Final Battle” and “Tight Encirclement”.  We composed a image for the light to read.

The composition starts with some blinking white light symbolizing enemies secretly surounded “Chu”and that the danger is coming. Then follows the fading blue for sorrow of missing hometown of “Chu”. Then the blue fade out and red symbolizing blood and war comes in and finally takes over all the lights. The tragic ending is told by a “marching” white light.

We later match the llight with the audio of Chinese lute telling the same story and add a description of background story for presentation.

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