Recitation 2: Arduino Basics Emily Wright


During this recitation, we were given our Arduino kits. We were asked to make three different circuits, which all demonstrated different types of code. This activity was to let us explore our Arduino Kit, and to continue to create more advanced circuits. 


1 * Arduino Uno
1 * USB A to B cable
1 * breadboard
1 * buzzer
2 * LEDs
2 * 220 ohm resistors
2 * 10K ohm resistors
2 * pushbuttons
A handful of jumper cables

2 * arcade buttons
1 * Multimeter (optional)

Circuit 1

The goal of this circuit was to build and code an LED to fade on and off. This circuit was very simple to build, there were no issues. Copying and pasting the code made it very easy for it to function correctly as well. 

Circuit with the light fully on

The schematic

Circuit 2

This circuit was even simpler that the first. We had to make a buzzer sing a small tune. Aside from the fact that I forgot to take a picture during recitation and had to rebuild it, there were no issues. 

The buzzer in action!

The schematic

Circuit 3

This circuit was significantly more complicated than the previous two. The goal was to build a circuit that would allow my partner and I to play a game where we press the button as many times as we can in ten seconds.  Everything went smoothly until we reached the end of the game, and the winners LED did not light up. After some investigation we discovered that we had switched the input and output of the LED, and this caused the problem. We switched it back, and then the circuit worked perfectly. Next time, I will make sure to double check which is the input and which is the output. 

Our lovely circuit

The schematic

Question 1

It is impossible to go a day without technology here in Shanghai. Everyday I interact with hundreds of types of technology. “Physical Computing” says, “interaction is an iterative process of listening, thinking, and speaking between two or more actors”. The QR code is a great example.A major, and possibly the most important example would be using my phone to pay for things on WeChat. The scanner reads my QR code and sends a signal to what ever screen the cashier is using to announce that I have paid.

Question 2

We use a 10K resistor in order to have the correct voltage flow through the push button. If a different resistor was used, then the buzzer would have too much or too little voltage flowing through and it wouldn’t work properly. 

Question 3

If I had 100,00 LED lights I would make a “mood” jacket. I would attach the LEDs to a jacket and put heat sensors within it, so the colors would change as a person’s body heat changes. I would wear it, but anyone who wanted to try it out would be more than welcome to!

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