Recitatiton 4:Drawing machines-Andrew Xie


 we will be creating drawing machines by using an H-bridge to control stepper motors attached to mechanical arms. And we raised the voltage to 12v to give stepper more power to drive the manipulator.


For Steps 1 and 2

1 * 42STH33-0404AC stepper motor
1 * L293D ic chip
1 * power jack
1 * 12 VDC power supply
1 * Arduino kit and its contents

For Step 3

2 * Laser-cut short arms
2 * Laser-cut long arms
1* Laser-cut motor holder
2 * 3D printed motor coupling
5 * Paper Fasteners
1 * Pen that fits the laser-cut mechanisms

Step one

There are no difficulties in this step, but pay attention to the positive and negative directions of the h-bridge and whether the contact with the breadboard is good, because my h-bridge contact is poor and sometimes causes stepper to be unable to rotate.It should be noted that the wrong connection of the electronic components may cause kit to be burnt out.



Step two

In this step, it is necessary to plug the potentiometer into the circuit. However, due to my over-complicated circuit design, there is not enough space to install the potentiometer, and data needs to be modified on Arduino.Because the 42sth33-0404ac Stepper Motor is a 200 step Motor. So be sure to change the data from 150 to 200.And map is needed to define the scope.



Step 3

The third step is simply to assemble the arm and start the stepper with a partner, but it seems that the pen is not long enough to sometimes touch the paper. It was a wonderful feeling to see the Arduino and stepper paintings.


Question 1

If I can, I hope to build an AI brain and let it have the ability of autonomous deep learning. I wonder if robots will evolve their own self-awareness and hurt people.Just like the actuators, motors and others we have learned can provide the initial driving force, what will be the blood of robots in the future? The more advanced the actors, the more complex but powerful the interaction experience. Digital art is to achieve a higher goal through the interaction of different actors. It can meet the needs of human beings at a higher level and improve productivity.

Question 2

Among the reading materials, I like the shadow chaser most, in Chico macmurtrie / amorphic Robert works, the drumming and drawing subhuman, 2000. The artist uses computers to control robots with the shape of metal skeletons to beat drums, and further uses robots to express human situations or emotions. And actors to enhance the robot’s performance more subtly.It’s like the stepper on reception, which can play instruments by rotating to different angles, or motor, which can support robot walking. The more complex combination of drawing machine is the work of these artists.

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