Final project proposal-Andrew Xie

1 Shouting machine

Inspired by the artist Xu Zhen’s performing art, the project brought two people face-to-face screams. I think it’s an intuitive way for modern people to reduce stress. So my audience is the people who live in the modern world and need to release the pressure. I think screaming is a very direct way to release pressure. Therefore, the project is designed by using a sound collector to collect the database size of the audience. If the screen exceeds a certain value, the screen will shatter the cup. I want to use a glass to represent people’s anxiety and express it through a crushing Scream (this action can release the pressure). The current difficulty is that the project is a bit thin and we need to add other core concepts. I don’t want this project to cause people to scream, but I want people to release pressure through their voices.


2 The dark night

My idea for the second project is to provide people with dark nights. I was inspired by cartoons. Because some people are more efficient at studying in the dark night, I want to model people who can’t sleep in the dark sky or at night. Therefore, my project is to provide a dark and immersive space with instruments to detect people’s heart rhythm. If the rhythm is very fast, the light in the space will turn red, and if the rhythm reaches a normal level, the color will turn blue. In short, the light in the space will change color according to the speed of people’s heartbeat. The ultimate goal is to let people get spiritual release, and there will be soothing background music in the experience process. The difficulty I encountered was that I didn’t implement the core concept of the project, and if you just sat the audience in a space that didn’t reflect the interaction between people, it wasn’t interactive enough. Determine where to get the heart rate meter.


3 Be the traffic light

I have noticed that when pedestrians wait for a red light, they are generally impatient. Many people choose not to wait for a green light and cross the road directly because they have been waiting for a red light for too long. This is very unsafe. Many traffic accidents are caused by pedestrians not complying with traffic regulations. So my project is to make pedestrians willing to wait for the red light. When the red light is on, the pedestrian sign inside the red light does not move, so my idea is that when the red light is on, you can not use the action capture machine to make the pedestrian be the sign in the red light, in other words, the sign in the red light is consistent with the pedestrian action, which can attract the pedestrian’s attention. The difficulty I encountered was a technical problem, and I didn’t know how to implement it.

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