Documentation about first interaction lab recitation (dx444)

  First of all, in the first section recitation, we should learn to be familiar with various electronics entities, and learn how to use electronics to build the circuits with our partners. After this class, we successfully built Circuit 1: Door Bell, Circuit 2: Lamp, and Circuit 3: Dimmable Lamp on a breadboard.

Here are the electronic components we will be using.

  • 1 * Breadboard
  • 1 * LM7805 Voltage Regulator
  • 1 * Buzzer
  • 1 * Push-Button Switch
  • 1 * Arcade Button
  • 1 * 220 ohm Resistor
  • 1 * 10K ohm Resistor
  • 1 * 10K ohm Variable Resistor (Potentiometer)
  • 1 * LED
  • 1 * 100 nF (0.1uF) Capacitor
  • 1 * 12 volt power supply
  • 1 * Barrel Jack
  • 1 * Multimeter
  • Several Jumper Cables (Hook-up Wires)

Our first task was to use electronic components for Door bell.


Start by plugging in the breadboard. It’s not hard to do, but we have a problem connecting the Voltage Regulator.

7805 voltage regulator symbol

Image from

Although it is easy to see from the picture that the no. 2 connectors should be connected to the ground wire, it is quite confusing to me in actual operation, because it is easy to confuse the wiring sequence on the breadboard and make mistakes, which leads to the chaos of the breadboard wires, so that we need to clean all the original parts to start over.

With assistant’s help, we finally connected the circuits,Connecting the speaker to the capacitor is simple, as long as the positive and negative electrodes are aligned. Just as we were happily plugged in, the problem arose. Generally speaking, as we use push-button Switch, the speaker only makes a sound when we press the button. However, when we turn on the power, the speaker keeps ringing, which indicates that the Switch is not connected in the right way, resulting in the Switch becoming a wire. It used to be that the switch should be connected longitudinally to form a closed circuit, but we connected the switch horizontally, so that the current did not pass through the intersection of the switch, but flowed through one side, becoming a pure circuit. The following video is a good record of our failure and success in switching.

Next, we’ll go to another classroom to learn how to solder,and then we soldered long wires to an arcade button. The whole production process is very simple, just take care not to touch the welding pen tip with your hands, and when removing the rubber part at both ends of the wire, it should be longer, or it will be difficult to plug into the bread plate, because we did not realize this, it was very difficult to carry out the experiment later.


Since our Arcade Button metal section was too short to be plugged into the breadboard, we replaced it with a pushbutton Switch for later projects.

Circuit 2: Lamp is much easier to make after the first experience. Before installation, we tested the resistance to avoid damaging the electronic components.

dimmable light

Circuit 3: in Dimmable Lamp it is important to note that the positive and negative electrodes of the led are not confused with Potentiometer and the resistor protection Circuit is used. After the first failure, it becomes easier to wire for potentiometer.

Let me conclude with a brief summary of recitation. First of all, I had a deeper impression of each electrical component, especially how I impressed the Voltage Regulator more deeply. And there wasn’t enough space left in the Arcade Button to make it usable on the breadboard. But overall it was very successful, and I learned to keep taking pictures and videos of my projects so that I could document my failures and successes and provide useful lessons for the future.


When I finished reading the article and combined with the circuit installation on recitation, I thought that interaction was first embodied in human-human interaction, such as assigning tasks by professors, explaining how to use electronic components, and then interaction with peers, such as welding switches and completing projects together. Secondly, the interaction is reflected in the interaction between people and electronic components, such as doorbell devices, by pressing the switch we can control speaker to make sound, and then later we can make light-emitting diodes flicker. Finally, the interaction embodies in people, people and electronic components, no matter which way, it reflects a high degree of interaction, which is beyond doubt.


After watching the video, the person I want to talk about most is Steve jobs, although he is known as the founder of Apple, I have to admit that he is a very good artist. He skillfully combines the human-computer interaction and computer systems, such as the iPhone, the phone can be said to be one of the greatest products in the world, because it has changed the pattern of mobile phone, using the touch screen instead of physical and mechanical keyboard, fingers instead of stylus, the liberation of the use of the mobile phones, and build the ios ecosystem for all apple’s products can be Shared, I think the iphone 4 jobs is a good example to prove the perfect fusion of human-computer interaction and computer system.

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