Recitation 8: Serial Communication – Citlaly Weed – Young

Wow, I can not believe that I made an Etch A Sketch! I was pretty cool because I actually got inspired and might want to use it in the future to make a pointillism piece. When making the circuit I remembered the circuit from Thursday so I just added a second one and put it into A1. Man, the whole processing to Arduino and Arduino to processing is so complicated! thank the lord that we have the example code, but I still have a hard time conceptualizing how to get my ideas of what I want the code to do to actual code that is in the language. The interaction for coming up with the code was between me and Olivia when we would talk about what it possibly could be. Then we also had tons of help, but Olivia got the last part of the code all by herself!  When it came to actually interact with the Etch A Sketch it was pretty straight forward turn one potentiometer to control the x-axis and the other controlled the y-axis. For the buzzer, the interaction is even easier where you can just touch the mouse pad in whatever direction and it changes the pitch of the buzzer. That particular interaction that uses touch and sound would be great to annoy my mom.


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