Three Idea-clover

  1. The name of the project is Cooperate! Partners! The user of this project will be a team of two person who is going to work on a group project. I come to this idea bases on my personal experience and the responses I got from interviewing some two person’s partner team. I noticed that when working in a team of two, people often experience unhappiness.  Some partners even turn from friends to enemies after the group work, so how to do group work is really important. The unhappiness happens, sometimes because the partner is doing nothing, sometimes because the partner is hard to negotiate and he stick to his own points and never listen to you, sometimes because two of you both think yours idea is good and won’t give up from both sides. Basing on these problem, I plan to use a game to let two people experience what is group work and how can they work better as a team to create a great project. I plan to let the team play the game first before they actually start to working on the project so that I hope this can let them have a better group work experience and become friends but not dislike each other after the teamwork.

  I will do this by setting two pieces which separate from a cube. This means that the two pieces can eventually get together to create a cube. The two pieces represent two person(teammates), getting the cube together means creating a project. In the beginning, the two pieces will be shown on the screen. There will also be two sensors one for player1 and one for player2. The sensors will sense the movement of the palm of the users which can turn the pieces on the screen to different angles to help the users find the right angle to put the cube together. There will also be four keys for each users to use on the keyboard to make the pieces moving up, down, left, and right. Then by finding the right angle of the pieces and move the pieces to the assigned location, the cube get together. This is stage1. For stage2, there will be a instruction “player1 needs to remove a part of the piece so the two pieces can get together”, then player1 needs to figure out which part of the piece needs to remove then finish the cube like what is done in stage1. For stage3, there will also be a instruction”player2 needs to add something as the shape shown here(there will be a shape showing in front of the piece of player2 to let he know what is shape he is going to find)”, then player 2 needs to find the location of the shape in the piece, add the piece, then finish the cube.   For stage4, there will also be a instruction”player1 needs to remove a part of the piece so the two pieces can get together, player2 needs to add something as the shape shown here(there will be a shape showing in front of the piece of player2 to let he know what is shape he is going to find) to finish the cube”, then player1 needs to figure out which part of the piece needs to remove then finish the cube and player 2 needs to find the location of the shape in the piece, add the piece, then finish the cube. Then they can switch the position, player1 be player2, player 2 be player1 to play again. The first stage represent the concept that to do a project, both person need to control and do good of their work(finding the angle of the piece). Then they have to cooperate to finish a piece(change the position up, down, left, and right). The second stage represents the situation that one person needs to gave up some part of his ideas to finish the piece. The third stage represents one person needs to do more to finish the piece because his partners may be lack of skills(so person1 don’t need to change his piece, however he still needs to find the right angle to dock his partners’ piece showing he is paying effort in the project but not doing nothing and be a free rider). The fourth stage represents if your partners come to some new ideas that can improve the project(the cube means perfect work), you need to remove some of your part to help the project be perfect instead of sticking to own points which may not good to the whole project. The challenge of this project first is building 3D model. Second is considering all the possible situation in teamwork.

2. The name of the project is Escaping Room. The target group is people who like exploring games. Nowadays, Escaping Room is a popular game but sometimes it may be too expensive for some people for a good escape room is 100 yuan a time. Some people love this game but them won’t play because it is too expensive. So our target group is people who love playing escape room but can’t afford the fee for the real life game. We turn this into an online game which cutting costs and can let more people play it.

I plan to set three rooms. For each room, only player who answer correctly can get into the next room. The story is set in the background of a detective story. The player is a detective who has to catch a killer who has already committed many crimes. In the first room, giving the previous time when the killer committed crime, the player have to infer then answer the question when will the next crime happen. If the user answered the correct time, he will move to the next room. In this room, I plan to give some hints about the information about the past crime the killer committed then to let the player infer then answer what is the next crime about. If he answered correctly, he will move to the last room. Here I plan to give some information about the location of past crime. Then if he answered all the three questions right, the page will jump to a new page saying “You are a great detective! You successfully catch the killer!”. The challenge of this project first is how to let the player engage in the online game just like how they will feel in real life game. How to set the decoration for each room is a big challenge. Also, how to write the plot and organizing the information showing to the player is another big difficulty.

3. The name of my third idea is Feel it! It is a game let people directly feel how their words and the way they speak affect other people. When doing research, I found some projects testing the body temperature of people to show their emotions. This inspire me to use a sensor to test and show people’s feeling. In daily lives, I feel that sometimes people don’e realize they are getting angry and they hurt their friends unconsciously with snide words. Sometimes friendships break up because of those unconscious words and anger. When the friendship broken, people feel really sad and at that time they realized it’s their unconscious words hurt their friends but the friendship is hard to fix. So my project is created for children under 18 years old because this is a period that they can’t make good control of their emotion. I will also have a temperature sensor sense their body temperature, if it above a certain temperature, there will be a sentence showing on the screen saying, “Control your emotion!” At first, the sentence may be in light red, if the people still in bad mood, the sentence will turn in dark red. By doing this, I hope it can help children better control their emotions and maintain a better friendship.

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