Recitation 5: Processing Basics (Ashley Zhu)

In recitation this week, we learned about processing basics and drew pictures using processing. We designed drawings using the processing tool and emulated famous art pieces.


For my inspiration piece, I looked at Vasily Kandinsky’s Blue Painting. This piece of Bauhaus art has a lot of abstract lines, ellipses, and triangles. I think the piece is very unique and interesting.

I wanted to emulate that piece, but not copy it. I liked the varied lines and shapes, so for my drawing, I also used triangles, lines, and ellipses. My piece was inspired by the Bauhaus piece in terms of shapes, but I played around with the styles of the piece. In order to achieve my goal, I used the ellipse and triangle function as my objects and changed the fill and smoothness of the shapes. I think that processing is a creative way of designing shapes and drawings, and it’s fun to draw different shapes and designs and start over quickly. However, it does take a while to figure the application out, and definitely takes practice.  

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