For recitation, I chose to work on the object-oriented programming workshop with Tristan to learn more about this topic as well as animation. Tristan went over some fundamentals about classes, arrayLists, and objects. I learned how to use the animation function with classes and arrayList, so it’s good to practice and use the map function for more interactivity. I manipulated the map function so every time user click on the left arrow, the balls would appear and when clicked on a different key after pressing the left arrow, the balls will disappear.
Ball ashleyBall; Ball tristanBall; float x; ArrayList<Ball> ballList = new ArrayList<Ball>(); void setup(){ size(1600,900); ballList = new ArrayList<Ball>(); for(int i=0; i<100; i++){ ballList.add(new Ball(random(-10,10), random(-10,10),color(random (255)))); x=map(x,0,1023,0,width); } } void draw(){ background(137,207,240); if (key == CODED) { if (keyCode == LEFT) { for(int i=0; i<ballList.size(); i++){ Ball temp = ballList.get(i); temp.display(); temp.move(); } } } } class Ball{ float x,y; color c; float spdX, spdY; float r; Ball(float newSpdX, float newSpdY, color newColor){ r=50; spdX= newSpdX; spdY= newSpdY; c=newColor; x=width/2; y=height/2; } void move(){ x= x + spdX; y= y + spdY; } void display(){ fill(c); ellipse(x,y,r,r); } }