Final Project Idea Proposal: Ashley Zhu

For the final project, I am partnering up with Megan See to create an interactive project. Since we are both interested in criminology, we will most likely construct a project revolving around criminal justice and social issues to raise awareness. 

Idea #1 To be right or not to be right, that is the question.

We want to create something centered around criminal justice, and I was inspired by the “Banished” project by The Marshall Project to make an interactive project highlighting an important criminal justice topic, either on immigration, feminism, or the about the upcoming election. I want to raise awareness about important topics and educate people more about the U.S criminal justice system to call for action. For the project, I want to create a motion sensor connected to the different journalism and visuals revolving around criminal justice. This way, the audience can interact with the device and move around and experience different parts of the story (or multiple stories) revolving around criminal justice. The audience can make choices on what they want to proceed in the story (we will use processing and javascript to code a story). Our goal is to highlight the importance of understanding the U.S justice system and criminology and educate people about how their choices matter, and also how they can impact the current system.

Idea #2 Vacation with a twist

The second idea is to create a sensor device that revolves around global social issues. We will create a device that recognizes space or points on a map, and when users hover overusing the device, the computer will output information about the specific on-going social justice issues in that specific area of the world. We will code around 20-30 countries with either human rights, climate or justice issues, and users can learn more about the issues going on in those parts of the world, to raise more awareness about it. We will use articles, data and visuals to help convey the important topics. In the future, we want this device to help educate more people about social issues in an entertaining and interactive way.

Idea #3 The Magical Treet of Christmas 2.0

Our last idea is a continuation of our midterm project, “The Magical Treet of Christmas”. Since we got some feedback about how the project was not interactive enough, we will change that and add more elements to make it more fun and entertaining. We will code different songs into the tree, so users can have more options for other holiday music if they wish. Also, we will add DC motors to make the project less static and have more movements. Our goal will be similar to before, to enlighten people and alleviate their homesickness around holidays. 

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