Recitation 10: Media Controller(Alex Wang)

In this weeks recitation, we need to create a system that manipulates images or videos through inputs from the Arduino. I started by building off of the code template used for transferring a single value from Arduino to processing. I created a very simple circuit with only an Arduino and a potentiometer. I mapped and wrote the potentiometer value to processing where I can use that value for manipulating media. I chose the potentiometer as it is the most simplest form of analog input, as I want my media manipulations to be smooth and analog as opposed to digital buttons.

I then wrote code that takes the camera footage and pixelates it by creating ellipses of the same rgb color value.

After making the pixelation effect, I changed the values I use to control the pixelation to a variable which is then controlled by the potentiometer value. Which allows real time media control.

After I got the potentiometer working, I added more functionalities on top of the pixelation that already existed. I first added a blur filter, then I added a tint. I tweaked the numbers so that the transitions looks smoother. And I also made sure that filter goes after the image function while tint goes before.

The final product looks like the video above. I really like it cause the pixelation makes me look like i am a retro arcade game character.

I think this weeks recitation is pretty useful as it sets me up to do image manipulation in my final project. I was not planning on adding videos, but now that I am more familiar with these techniques I might consider adding extra visual effects to spice up my project.

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