Recitation 7: Processing Animation by Jonathan Lin

For this project, I wanted it to have something to do with Spring. Therefore, I made the background into a photo that I found online, and then I wrote my code for the cute little ladybugs. One problem I encountered was that ladybugs were not just one solid color, so I had to experiment around until I finally found a way to have many different color circles on top of one main circle. All in all, this project was really fun to make because it made me think outside of the box to not only find a way to create a pretty background but also in the creation of these little critters.


The circle was pretty simple to make thanks to what we learned during our classes.

This part was probably the trickiest because initially with my if statement, the numbers were overriding. Therefore I had to be a little creative, so I added an object “a” that was
a boolean and what I did was make it switch between true and false states depending on the current value of my diameter. When this worked this was the highlight of the project!

This was quite simple as all I did was follow the hints given on the website, and then added a variable that represents a number that would translate to the color. I then added that random number into the previously made if statements making it change colors along with the size changes.

In summary, this recitation was tons of fun because it really helped to me learn processing. Every time I made a mistake I could a fellow, and usually before they even finished reviewing my code I would just find it. Making a lot of mistakes during this process really helped me to hone my processing skills!

Code for my homework

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