Comic Idea—Vivian Zhu & Sebastian Lau


Sebastian and I had the idea of creating a comic based on Carol Ann Duffy’s poetry “Medusa”, which illustrates a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair in Greek mythology. It goes with a storyline which set the audience/the viewer to be a poet Carol Ann Duffy herself. We figured this idea out by looking for our common interests, as Sebastian and I share really different cultures and family background. Turns out we both like anime, poetry and mysterious things. More details regarding what we imagine our project will look like can be found in the text below.


  • You are a poet and you fell asleep when you were writing some lines on the poetry…
  • The stage switches from your home towards a narrow room, decorated as from mid-century in Greek, with sundries piling up around you.
  • You tried to find out who you are,  hence you began clicking on the things all around you…
  • Certain objects, when clicked, will change into other things, with some lines brought up (exactly some part of poetry you wrote before you slept). 
  • Through this process, you will finally become aware that you are the Medusa herself.


  • We are sure how to use the coding techniques to make everything happen. It’s only a matter of how now.
  • We will draw the scene and also find images of real objects to support our stage.


  • We are using Javascript to move the story along, especially the part where the audience is able to interact with things around him or her.

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