Week 1 My About Page assignment — Cecilia Cai


The above is the link to the html page I built. When I started building the html pages, I went directly to writing tags and putting in content. But I got stuck in the middle and find the content a bit messy. I then realized that I should have design the layout on paper before going into writing the tags. I reorganized and started over with the page.

I built a simple about me page, which I uploaded a profile picture of my self at the top, and created a link to my LinkedIn account. I then provided some basic information about my education background. Following this part is about my Hobbies. I like dancing most and have participated in several performances in the previous semesters, so I also put some links of the performance videos there. In the last part I talk about some of my favorite stuffs.

After organizing all the contents, I thought about how to make this page more interesting. So I added some emojis and adjusted the h tags I used to make the fonts more consistent.

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