Week 11 – Response to “a history of net art” – Anica

From the barely recognized “net.art”, the artist Vuk Cosic began to talk about online art and communications. With the immateriality and instantaneity of the internet, the construction of internet art is to create a community where the artists can discuss their ideas equally regardless of the countries they are in.  This community reminded me of the field trip to How museum, where I saw a quote by Joseph Beuys: “Every individual can be the artist in his or her own field”. For such a long time there are no artists involved in the internet, there came the renascence of internet art.

I didn’t really have an idea of what’s internet art even after I looked up some examples. However, this article sets me thinking about how the internet art stands out from other traditional forms of arts. Firstly, it’s web-based. It’s digital, rather than on paper. This can also be related to my EAP topic “intercultural communication”, since by creating the internet art we are actually communicating with others through science and technology. Secondly, As mentioned in the article, “it was artists, enthusiasts, and technoculture critiques trading ideas, sustaining one another’s interest through ongoing dialogue” (126), it focuses on interaction mainly constructed by HTML and javascript. That’s how it always looks so dynamic.

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