Description: Our project is an educational project about the history of the houses.
Original idea: At first, before we have a group, I came up with an idea to make a history timeline of women’s dresses. Since my group member Vincent is a guy and he disagreed with this idea, so we changed our idea to make a history timeline of houses. And we would create a stick figure that it can work through the timeline and introduce the houses from different countries.
Process: I am responsible for the visual part. The first thing is to draw the stick figure. I created two stick people and let my teammate choose one. And then I drew the walking and talking of the stick figure. And it can also rise left or right hand to introduce the houses. In the original idea, we designed that there was a small story of the invention of the construction hat. So I also drew the walking and talking of the stick figure with a construction hat.
The second thing is to deal with the picture of the house. So I turned the picture of the houses into comic styles.
Since Vincent created the square boxes, I cut the pictures into squares. And I prepare 22 for Vincent to choose the best 11 for 11 times.
The third thing is to find pictures of raw material. The pictures Tenielle found are not comic enough that we think it is not easy for the audience to figure out what it is. So I found the comic picture of the raw material.
The fourth thing is to make a square picture of the time. I typed the words in the Word and cut them into squares with photoshop. and here is the first one.
The fifth thing is that I suggested Vincent have a background for the project. So I found two pictures of the brown paper for him to choose. The brown paper may have a historical atmosphere.
And I also help Tenielle to do the research of the Chinese ancient houses.
Challenge: This is my first time to draw on the computer. So I downloaded software and used a lot of time to learn and exercise it. And it cost me a long time to draw the animation part of the stick figure because I want to make the stick figure moves naturally. So I tried a lot of ways and compared the stick figures with each other to make it walk and talk like people.
And I also learned how to turn the pictures into comic styles. The proportions of the special effect for the different pictures are different. Some are 100% and some are around 70% because some houses will lose their original color in 100%.
In our original goal, the picture of the stick figure can change that it can talk and walk. However, Vincent said it is difficult to change the pictures so he just used one picture. And I think we can change the picture of the stick figures. And I also want to have a talking bubble beside the stick figure to introduce the houses, while now the description is at the bottom of the houses. So I think we can explore more in this part.