Week 11: Response to “Web Work: A History of Net Art” (Moon) – Susie

In this article, the author Greene introduces the history of net art with the related picture, which is clear and detailed for us to understand the development of net art. With the art generally appeared and showed on the internet, it was also a big challenge on the basic rules and coding for the internet. Greene discusses the process of the combination of the art and internet in detail and provides a lot of interesting case studies. There are many platforms provided to a large number of artists who want to explore in this area. And also the platform had a series of rules to run the communities to avoid the conflicts.
What interests me is the period of 1997. At that time, many platforms sprang up like mushrooms for different artists to publish their work. According to the author, the female net. artists won a fairer place on the development of net art through the rules of the platforms. They could deliver their personal ideas and write for themselves–“we are the modern cunt/ positive anti reason/…/ we see art with our cunt we make art with our cunt/…” (4). In addition, the filmmaker Cheang also made artwork for gender equality. We can learn how fairness and openness were developed on the internet step by step.
Besides, the article makes me think about the relationship between art and the internet. In my opinion, they contribute to each other. The art makes the internet more diverse, and the internet conveys art to a broader area. If there is no internet, I think it was hard for female artists to get their rights and publish their artwork in 1997. Therefore, I am looking forward to the future of art and the internet.

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