Week 2: Photoshop Collage-Selina Chang





The idea of my collage originates from the photo taken by tourists under Merlion, which is one of the most popular destinations in Singapore. Some drinks from Merlion’s mouth, others use the water to take a bath. That’s where my idea came from. 

I use a sculpture that I accidentally took a picture of and make it a man showering under Merlion, relaxing, with a dog accompanying him. And I used those jellyfishes as some power from the outer world, trying to invade their city. From this collage I want to convey that we are under some threats that seems vulnerable without seeing them.

To accomplish this, I first use the quick selection tool to select the sculpture and create a new layer of it and put it onto the Merlion picture. To make it seems more realistic, I sharpen the sculpture and adjust some parameters such  as hue and saturation. Then I select few jellyfishes using quick selection tool as well and put them onto the collage. I duplicate three layers and adjust the color balance, making them have some vulnerable candy colors.

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