Week 11: Response to “A History of Net Art”-Selina Chang

Before reading this article, I have never thought about net.art as anything other than drawings and stuff that appears through the format of web. This article literally alters my perception toward net.art. One quote that I really like from the article is that ” Building an equitable community in which art was conspicuously present in one’s everyday life was a collective goal.” I feel like through net art, net artists accomplish various things that we cannot simply achieve through daily life, or that is to say the life without the Internet. For instance, through internet art, one can challenge the domain name monopoly through net, just as the logic of Name.Space that is described in the article. And also the challenge toward feminism. They really fascinate me. I feel that net.art enables us to achieve a lot of things that we were not able to before. In addition, unlike drawing on canvas, net art provide a lot more possibility for artist to create and can interact with audience. I’m really appreciated for those devoted to doing and pursuing internet art since they provide me with insights that I would never had if not seeing them.

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