Audio Project Documentation (Selina&Kyra) -Selina

HIdden disaster

Our project aims at raising people’s awareness toward environmental issues like global warming and air pollution. Basically we use the audio to depict our daily lives. While we kick our day off, we start to pollute the Earth. We have ripped sounds from our daily routine like driving to work our school, printing jobs, ordering food, and so on, aka things that we consider harmful to the Earth that we seldom beware of. Using the contrast between black and white comic clock and realistic and vivid background, we kind of portray the gap between ideal life and harsh reality.


A really big problem for us during the process is actually the interactivity. Cause at first we keep focusing on the audio itself, we made the single story line that depicts the story, and people can kind of envision the scene by only listen to the audio collage. However, during the user test, it is when we started to realize that there  should be more interactivity, so we almost changed our initial plan radically. In most of our project, I think we are on the right track towards the moral that we are trying to convey. 

We basically divided the job equally, that Kyra and I both do some coding and some audio collage. in terms of  coding, the most, not difficult but complex part for me is the Java Script. In order to make the best interactivity while maintaining the story line, we should decide which kind of interaction we want to use. It is intriguing to use the key press but it will some how affect the way story is unfolded, that’s way we choose to simply clicking the clock to keep the story going.


I think what I benefit the most from the audio project is that we should always focus on the interactivity while unfolding the story. There is always a way that is suitable for the project. The project is always gonna profit from adding interactive aspect to it. In addition, since there is a wide range of interactions that we can choose from, it is crucial that we consider the best way to unfold the story instead of simply choosing fancy effects. It’s not the fancy effect that is of great importance, but the overall effect of the project itself.

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