For the final project, I will be working with Murray to create an interactive photo gallery along with some stories about the place. We’re doing this because we thought that photo shouldn’t just be visualized by the audience but also it should expose the audience to different senses such as hearing. Moreover, we planned to add more features on each photo such as temperature, time, and specific location. This allows us to show our picture and convey a message that we want our audiences to interpret. We simply want to bring the photo back to life.
I found this creative website which I think some of the content could be suitable for our project. It listed several detailed information about the picture like the material that the structure is made out of, the location and the designer of the building, etc.
But we wanted our main interface to be a scrollable one with content that we can click on to see the details.
We want to add as many interactive as possible but also make it visible for the user to interact with. We plan on to utilize the mouse cursor and tell the user what to do by showing a small text over it. We will add sound effects to several texts that users can ho-over and we will make it visible by making it bold or making it stand out. The overall aesthetic of the page will be modern and clean will minimal color mixing, so we might just use a background that’s mostly black or white. We also planned to add a video by showing a zoom-in clip to the specific location by using Google Earth Studio.