Week 2: Response to “The Medium is the Message” McLuhan – Xavier Juhala

Prior to reading this article I never really thought about how much the medium through which information is dispersed really does affect the content of something and the way in which we perceive it. I think this quote, “the medium is the message because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action” is a great example from the text of the way in which the medium affects the reaction to the content. To a certain extent, I agree with this because obviously depending on the medium used, the information will reach a different audience. If I publish in the newspaper my audience is mostly going to be retirees while if I publish on social media my audience will most likely be teenagers. However, I think that nowadays the medium through which an information source is dispersed doesn’t matter as much, if a piece of information is relevant enough or is that amazing it will find itself being dispersed through other mediums than its original form and will then reach a much larger audience regardless of the original medium used. 

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