Week 2: Photoshop Image – Xavier Juhala

This piece was actually a lot harder for me to make than I thought it would be. I couldn’t remember how to use the pen tool that we learned to use in class so I had to find a new way to cut out the background and merge the images together. I ended up using the select and mask tool to erase the background from my images, I think this way actually ended up being easier than the way we learned in class to get rid of the background. Once I merged the two photos together – the beach and the galaxy – I thought it would be easy to then just do the same with the statue of liberty part but when I tried to select it to add it to the piece the whole image would copy and I couldn’t get rid of the background. Because of this, I ended up having to do it all over again because I didn’t know how to undo the last step. I then redid the statue of liberty, but this time saved it as its own photo with a transparent background and then added to the picture I already had of the beach and galaxy. Overall I’m pretty proud of this picture as it was my first time using photoshop by myself and it took me a really long time to do this.  

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