Week 12: Rachel Greene Vincent – Moon

Web Work: A History of Internet Art

This reading was pretty interesting because I’m pretty sure not a lot of people know about how “internet art” began. I would even argue that many of the meme culture today started through internet art. The fact that it began because of a glitch just makes it even more intriguing, something that was made by the internet itself, literal “internet” art.

From the reading, it seems that Net.Art was one of the first and biggest communities online to share people’s own creations, and me, as a person who engages in many online communities who share information and their own work, it is interesting to think that with sure scarce technology back then, people were able to make the best out of it and create something cool.

I feel that this reading was very different from a previous reading we did, “long live the net”, where they state there should be more laws/rules imposed on the internet, but Greene’s point was the exact opposite, proving to people that although there may be people who prank, the majority of the community work together to create a better place where people can share their works/thoughts.

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