Week 11: Video Project Vincent – Moon

For the video project, I worked with Milly and Oona.

My first impression of this project was that it would be a lot of work, and it was a bunch of work. All three of us didn’t have a lot of time to work together because of conflicting schedules and also all of us getting sick, but I am so extremely proud of us for pulling this through.

We first did most of the recording with the tidbits of time we had between our schedule, and it was really fun. Video recording wasn’t very hard, the hard part was the acting and trying not to laugh.

Milly and Oona did a lot of the video editing, and I was mainly just the person making sure the videos correlated afterwards. I worked on the website. We all wrote the script together and actually free-styled most of it.

Making the website interactive wasn’t hard this time because I’ve learnt how to use hover pretty well, and also flexbox is no problem for me anymore. Trying to make it look nice was probably the harder part, but that’s something that you can’t learn about, it’s something that you experience.

Some example coding:

Overall, I loved this project, Milly and Oona were great partners, I was extremely happy with the product we came out with.


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