Week 9: Video Project Idea – Tenielle, Daisy, Ruby

Revised Idea

Mr. and Mrs. Box engage in a dialogue with one another. They both romantically like each other, and as they’re “talking” they will both be envisioning what kind of dates they both want to be on. For example, while they are talking, Mrs. Box wants to go on a movie date so we will show a video of them on a movie date in her thinking box above her head. When the user clicks on the other box to start “talking”, they will see a visual of what the other box would envision their date to be like, and the viewer can see that in the thinking box as well.

These shots will be behind the shoulder shots to show that these two are in conversation. The videos will be played in the cloudy thinking box above their heads. The interaction will be when the user clicks on each box to “talk”. These boxes will both have drawn-on emotion on them, and will continuously change based off of what they feel in each situation. 

It took us a while to decide on an idea, but we really got inspired by one of the previous examples of the Roboto video project, and thought it would be cool to reenact that. However, instead of a robot, we want to use a more unique idea of a box called “Mr. Box” and his friend Eraser, or “Mr. Eraser”. These two are not only friends, but roommates, and their job is to solely help the interaction between the user and the website. 

We weren’t too sure what their jobs specifically would be, but we wanted to center our idea around having the user decorate the room, and we give the user the option of either adding something to the room, or taking something out (that is already there). If they are adding something, Mr. Box will come and add it for them, and if they want to take away something, Mr. Eraser will erase the items not wanted. 

That is all we have for now, but we thought it would be a cute idea to focus on objects and draw on their emotions each step of the way, as well as having them interact with the user. Hopefully we can get this done with the allotted time given to us. 

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