Week 10: Response to Rachel Greene (Shirley Liu)

Before reading Rachel Greene’s “A History of Internet Art”, I did not really understand the term “internet art.” I thought it was something that started very recently, however I learned that it started in 1995 by accident. Internet art is more than just presentation of artwork and interaction with the user, it allows us to see the ideas circulating around during a specific time period. I think it is interesting to see how the different ideas can be presented in various ways by various creators such as artists and technoculture critics. I also found it very interesting that net.artists dove into feminist issues. I found the VNS’ “Cyberfeminist Manifesto” to have some pretty interesting and bold statements. It angered me when I found out that who cared about cyberfeminism were told to take the discussion elsewhere. It also made me wonder how would internet art compare if it had started now and not in the 1990s. Reading Greene’s piece makes me excited about our upcoming internet art project. I am inspired by the many different examples provided in Greene’s article and am thinking of the different roads I can take to approach this project. 

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