Week 10: Internet Art Project Example (Shirley Liu)

Link to NY Train Project

Created by: Adam Chang

Adam Chang’s NY Train Project offers a look into the art in New York’s subway system. Growing up in New York City, I took the train often and did not notice the different mosaic works in each station. It was not only till my ceramics class in my senior year of high school did I really think about the artistic components of the NY subway system. After my teacher mentioned the tiles that were unique to each station, I started paying more attention to them. So it was really cool to see all the different mosaics from all the lines on Chang’s website. It was pretty fascinating to look at the stop that I lived on because  something as small as the font on my stop reminded me of home. On the website, I went through the lines that I frequented and thought about whether or not I recognized them. The project was pretty cool and I think now when I see the mosaic, it would leave a more lasting impression on me. 

I also thought it was neat for Chang to include the number of metro card swipes used for the project along with the time spent as well as the number of stops covered. I overall really enjoyed interacting with this website because it reminded me of home. 

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