Week 9: Video Project Idea – Ruby & Tenielle & Daisy (Moon)

For the video project, we got inspired by the previous project, Roboto video.

We decided to include two main characters, Mr.box and Mr.eraser. The scene will be mostly in the room with two roommates. Mr.box and Mr.eraser are going to discuss how to decorate the room since they have different abilities. Mr.box can put objects into himself and deliver to a certain area. On the contrary,  Mr.eraser can ‘erase’ things that they do not want to include in the room.

Therefore, the main interaction for the users will be selecting options of ornaments, whether to include or exclude certain objects If the user chooses toare adding something, Mr. Box will come and add it for them, and if they want to take away something, Mr. Eraser will erase the items not wanted. 

Also, in terms of the design of the webpage, we will juxtapose two videos; one showing from the box or eraser’s perspective, another showing the back side of them.

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