Week 11: Response to “A History of Internet Art” – Ruby Kim (Moon)

The article basically focuses on the history of net art and even after reading, it has triggered me to think about the concept. Before, I was not aware of the genre ‘net art’. This does not mean that I did not have any idea of it, but I think I just did not have much sense for it as one genre or a category of art. However, ever since I have encountered net art in class, it totally blew up my mind. I definitely was awed by the creativity. The artworks were not only delivering complex thought but also some of them were really based on the simple idea that I would have never thought about as my inspiration. Furthermore, as I have been learning to code throughout the semester, I could sympathize with the difficulty and all the time that the artists would invest. We should never underrate net art and even take advantage of the insights and opportunities that the net art provides to us.

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