Week 10: Net Art Project Reflection – Ruby (Moon)

Link: http://entropy8zuper.org/godlove/ 

From monoskop website, I found an artist ‘Entropy8Zuper!’. I did not have any information about it, but the unique name itself grabbed my attention. Entropy8Zuper! is actually a name for a company Tale of Tales, founded by Auriea Harvey and Michael Samyn. They are working for the creation of websites and electronic art. 

The first impression I got was that the page looked creepy. It was taking God as their theme. I think the most interesting part of this project is a variety of interactions. Once I put my mouse pointer on the letter “O”, its inside turned into “i”. I was trying to figure out the hidden meaning of “i”, but the one thing I am pretty confident is that the letter is related to God, maybe something that can reveal his identity. 

As I scroll the screen to the right, I can explore the website. All of the words were clickable and they offered certain description or videos.

In the page attached below, I was first confused for a while. But, then I realized that depending on the position of the mouse position, the postures of two people also changed, and I thought this was really intriguing and unique idea. Overall, it was a little bit challenging to decipher the meaning of the project, but overall it was totally different from what I have usually seen. Therefore, the project was very insightful.

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